Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Natti

This past weekend, the chickie, the bros, dad and I went to my cousin's wedding in Cincinnati. Pretty short flight, 3.5 hours and when we landed, it was pouring! After 20 minutes of waiting, we drove to the rehearsal dinner; which we missed. It was 100ft from the car to the door and we got soaked! The party people were doin it Filipino style with the karaoke, of course. Food was ehh and I was still hungry. Good thing my new cousin agreed to taking me to Gold Star Chili!!!! MMMMM that place is the bomb!!!
Saturday, wake up to eggs, sausage and Filipino style cornbeef! MMMMM.. Get ready for the wedding and head out. I think everyone in Cincinnati listens to rap and in true rapper steelo, we cruised around in a Hummer limo. After the wedding, we had to go to my aunt's house to eat lunch. One problem, nobody was home to let us in. After 7 minutes of waiting, my cousin the bride, suggested Gold Star Chili!!! HELL F-ing YEAH!!! What a day!! At the reception, there was a chocolate fountain. It didn't get a lot of attention, but who cares! More for me!!! 10 songs later, time to go home... this time the late night menu came from White Castle.. ehhh.. should have gone to Gold Star Chili but it was the first time for my bros. Oh well.
Sleep 4 hours, wake up and get ready. Head to the airport and wait 35 minutes for the god-daughter and nephew to arrive so they can fly home with us. Kids are hungry and want McDonald's. And guess what's right next to it? Yup! Gold Star Chili!!! Cheese Coney's at 9am (6am pdt)!!! MMMMM!!!
What a great weekend. Went by really quick and I didn't get to surf.
Surf Friday, hopefully and maybe Vegas with the chickie's family.



Blogger reverb said...

...oh man,,

natty is the name of my ex beatiful gal

i m still in love with that woman


now Im sad


10:03 PM  

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