Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Don't tell my boss

I'm going to try to take a half day tomorrow and catch some surf... or at least leave early... hope this swell is for real... I think I'll hit up Shopanga

Saturday, I take out the tanker and for the first 30 minutes I'm struggling and cussing myself out... Maybe I was too tired from my workout the night before, but all I did was run... oh well... I just relaxed and tried to have fun... I caught a lot of waves and once this guy on a swallow tail highlighter yellow board got out of the water, I caught most of the set waves... I also realized what a wave hog I was, so I let a few roll through for the shortboarders..

Sunday was single fin day... didn't catch much, but I did notice the paddling difference... I guess swimming twice a week is helping... Talked to a guy about buying his 6'2 twin fin... I swear every time hes out, he has a new board... this time it was a 5'9 single fin (i think)... I'm still thinking about buying it... I'm still looking to move out and once that happens, I'll be taking the bus to the beach and everywhere else...

And does anyone else have a spring suit tan? Here I am all nice and dark working out and once I hit the pool its like I'm wearing a khaki colored t-shirt...

So there was this DAD (dumb ass dad) who really pissed me off on Saturday... He was teaching his kid how to surf... or at least telling him when to paddle... but this dad was telling his son to paddle for waves when he shouldn't.. basically dropping in on everyone... One time, the kid was paddling for a wave and the guy with the highlighter stick was coming down the line... kid pearled and highlighter guy caught his board... So he paddles to the dad and they're arguing for a good 20 minutes... I couldn't hear what they were saying cause I was over in the cove...

Once highlighter guy left, I took over his spot... and DAD and son were still there... Yeah, you guessed it, I got into an argument with him too!!! I saw a set wave come and naturally start paddling for it... then I hear, "Paddle! Paddle!" I'm hoping the kid doesn't catch it... So I'm up on a fun one then all of a sudden I see this board come at me.. I caught it and pushed it aside... went over the wave and paddled towards the dad and say, "Dude, you're gonna get your kid hurt..." He says sorry, HE DIDN'T SEE ME... I tell him to take him to a beginner's beach and suggest Mando's Cove... he says something about this being a beginner's beach and I should know that, especially on a day like this... ok, you win... So, I'm sitting there, over it... then he says, "I gave you that wave anyway; I caught it way before you did.." I'm thinking to myself, "You're an idiot. You just told me that you didn't see me... HOW THE HELL IS IT YOUR WAVE... and he wasn't even up on the wave... I say, "Seriously!??!?!" then he says, "Yeah, seriously (with a bit of Yeah I'm right attitude)" I just ignore him... waves aren't worth arguing over... I just used the energy to catch more waves...

And now for my question: Who gets the wave (in my situation)? The person closest to the shoulder (me) or the peron who caught it farther out (supposedly)? There is about 10 yards between us.

I say I get it. What do you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Powerful Blog ! Guess you get your point across. I'm trying a site Texas Holdem Poker I try to put in words like poker sites which pertain to the site, but I'm scared I right confuse the issue. When you get time please check it. ---Jack---

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where to Find Steve This Fall
I will be speaking at a number at conferences in and around NYC in the fall . Hopefully, I will get to see you there.
Your work is to discover your world
and then with all your heart give yourself to it.

The Buddha
The "Enlightened One"
plastic surgery info site/blog. It pretty much covers plastic surgery info related stuff.

3:42 PM  
Blogger BeanCountingSurfer said...

anyone wanna click on those sites for me and tell me where they lead?

3:54 PM  
Blogger Surfsister said...

Not me, brudda! BeachGirl had one of those and it took you straight to porn. Now, I simply refuse to click on those links.

Where do you think you'll be tomorrow and what board will you be on?

8:37 PM  
Blogger BeanCountingSurfer said...

I'll search spots from Sunset to Countyline... I'm leaving from work, so it'll be cool to check out all the various spots...

I brought the single fin today... U Can LocAte me... just look for the "van"

7:33 AM  
Blogger M said...

It was your wave. Nice blog. I dig your background!

2:17 PM  
Blogger Surfsister said...

Oh my god!! You know, BeanCountingDude, you can delete that shit. It's your blog. You have the power to make that stuff disappear.

I didn't see you today, did I?

10:13 PM  
Blogger BeanCountingSurfer said...

Don't think you saw me on Wednesday, unless you were at Countyline between 4-6 or saw the "van"

7:28 AM  

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