Sun good, Wind bad
Note: The following is a bunch of crap you probably don't wanna read. Adventures in surfing is towards the bottom.
This weekend was a 3 day weekend for me. Woo Hoo!! I had a 16 mile run planned for Saturday, but only mananged to do 14.5 miles in 45 degree weather with some wind. I hate wind. My hands were frozen the first 30 minutes, then I realized that my jacket is long enough to pull over my hands so that helped a little. Around mile 12.5, I ran out of water and stopped at a gas station to buy some water. Can you believe a bottle of water is $1.25?!?!? For 16 oz!!!! WTF! And, I only had a dollar so I asked him if I could come back and pay him the $.25. But noooo!!! He said he would be off in 30 minutes. Damn, what has happened to society!?!?! I left pissed off and told him, "Go fuck yourself." A QUARTER!!!! I managed to find a drinking fountain 20 minutes later.
Run everyday in J@nuary challenge= 9/14
I was supposed to go out that night, but was too tired and just went to bed early.
Sunday, I woke up groggy and really sore. Walking to the bathroom hurt so I watched football the rest of the day. I did, however, purchase a portable dvd player via Be$tbuy online and wanted to pick it up at the local bricks and mortar. I arrive there, an hour and a half after I received the, "Your order is ready for pickup email." I waited 30 minutes because the damn dumb manager and her dumber peons couldn't find it in the store. When I first got there, the manager took the printout from me, went into the back to pick it up but it wasn't there. Then she disappeared into the sales floor to look for it. 10 minutes later, she comes back empty handed. She then hands off the printout to one of her peons and sends him to the warehouse. 1o more minutes of waiting and I finally get impatient and ask where the warehouse was. She replies, "It's in the back; not too far." I express that this shouldn't take this long and she replies in a raised voice, "I sent someone else to pick it up, but he was in the middle of wrapping a tv for a customer." WTF!! What is she stupid? Why didn't she just tell someone else to get it or get it her damn self! Then she asks one of the 2 people behind the counter (who have been standing there the whole time) to go find it. He comes back in 10 minutes with the player. At this point, I'm steaming and ask to return the item. Not once did the manager apologize for the inconvenience. I have banned my local Be$tbuy. Oh yeah, I'm calling in to make a complaint. Don't know if it'll help but at least I'll get to vent to someone.
That just ruined my night and I was supposed to go to some uber trendy club (some airport or something) but others flaked and it was me, the tv and the couch.
Monday, I checked the surf cams all morning. Nothing really goin on. Just a few sets (if you can call them that) every now and then. I decided to take a chance and go check myself because reports and cams lie!!! I'm really glad I did. Despite the frigid temps and howling offshore and sometimes sideshore winds, it was a fun sesh. There were only 3 of us out. I caught a handful of waves, mostly small ones. I did catch a set wave, belly button high, and got a good ride out of it. I need to stop trying to get covered in the shore break. Dumb.. just plain dumb. The rest of the day was spent in front of the tv. I think this is the most tv I've watched in a while.
Mammoth this weekend. Woo hoo!! 12 miles in elevation!!! Possibly snowboard Sunday, but I really don't want to get hurt. L@ Mar@thon is so close.
Surfsister beat me to my idea I've had for a while. So for those of you in the pack, post pics of your quiver! I'll put mine up this week sometime.
Side notes:
1. I managed to shock my nuts trying on a fleece jacket. NOT FUN!
2. I figured out how to avoid the stomach aches that force me to quit my runs early: Cl!f bars in small pieces!!
3. Anteater anyone??
This weekend was a 3 day weekend for me. Woo Hoo!! I had a 16 mile run planned for Saturday, but only mananged to do 14.5 miles in 45 degree weather with some wind. I hate wind. My hands were frozen the first 30 minutes, then I realized that my jacket is long enough to pull over my hands so that helped a little. Around mile 12.5, I ran out of water and stopped at a gas station to buy some water. Can you believe a bottle of water is $1.25?!?!? For 16 oz!!!! WTF! And, I only had a dollar so I asked him if I could come back and pay him the $.25. But noooo!!! He said he would be off in 30 minutes. Damn, what has happened to society!?!?! I left pissed off and told him, "Go fuck yourself." A QUARTER!!!! I managed to find a drinking fountain 20 minutes later.
Run everyday in J@nuary challenge= 9/14
I was supposed to go out that night, but was too tired and just went to bed early.
Sunday, I woke up groggy and really sore. Walking to the bathroom hurt so I watched football the rest of the day. I did, however, purchase a portable dvd player via Be$tbuy online and wanted to pick it up at the local bricks and mortar. I arrive there, an hour and a half after I received the, "Your order is ready for pickup email." I waited 30 minutes because the damn dumb manager and her dumber peons couldn't find it in the store. When I first got there, the manager took the printout from me, went into the back to pick it up but it wasn't there. Then she disappeared into the sales floor to look for it. 10 minutes later, she comes back empty handed. She then hands off the printout to one of her peons and sends him to the warehouse. 1o more minutes of waiting and I finally get impatient and ask where the warehouse was. She replies, "It's in the back; not too far." I express that this shouldn't take this long and she replies in a raised voice, "I sent someone else to pick it up, but he was in the middle of wrapping a tv for a customer." WTF!! What is she stupid? Why didn't she just tell someone else to get it or get it her damn self! Then she asks one of the 2 people behind the counter (who have been standing there the whole time) to go find it. He comes back in 10 minutes with the player. At this point, I'm steaming and ask to return the item. Not once did the manager apologize for the inconvenience. I have banned my local Be$tbuy. Oh yeah, I'm calling in to make a complaint. Don't know if it'll help but at least I'll get to vent to someone.
That just ruined my night and I was supposed to go to some uber trendy club (some airport or something) but others flaked and it was me, the tv and the couch.
Monday, I checked the surf cams all morning. Nothing really goin on. Just a few sets (if you can call them that) every now and then. I decided to take a chance and go check myself because reports and cams lie!!! I'm really glad I did. Despite the frigid temps and howling offshore and sometimes sideshore winds, it was a fun sesh. There were only 3 of us out. I caught a handful of waves, mostly small ones. I did catch a set wave, belly button high, and got a good ride out of it. I need to stop trying to get covered in the shore break. Dumb.. just plain dumb. The rest of the day was spent in front of the tv. I think this is the most tv I've watched in a while.
Mammoth this weekend. Woo hoo!! 12 miles in elevation!!! Possibly snowboard Sunday, but I really don't want to get hurt. L@ Mar@thon is so close.
Surfsister beat me to my idea I've had for a while. So for those of you in the pack, post pics of your quiver! I'll put mine up this week sometime.
Side notes:
1. I managed to shock my nuts trying on a fleece jacket. NOT FUN!
2. I figured out how to avoid the stomach aches that force me to quit my runs early: Cl!f bars in small pieces!!
3. Anteater anyone??
have you seen that stuff called Goo? liquid energy bars for marathons - my wife used them in hers and her subsequent 1/2 marathons. Me? 3 mile limit!!!
Yeah, all that energy gel stuff upsets my stomach. I've tried them all.
I'm going to try the bars with the gels this weekend. I'll post my findings.
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