Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Swim Training

I was in the pool at my local 24hr, last night, and just started my swim workout. During my rest, a rather large man asks to split the lane with me... Sure why not? He is about half way down and I start swimming. About 4 strokes away from him, the water starts to taste funny AND I smell his body odor.. can't really describe it and I don't know how I can smell while swimming, but you get the point... I figure, oh well, it'll disappear sooner or later... Then I catch up to him and WTF!!! This guy has some sort of pink skin rash or eczema on his upper thigh... this almost made me puke in the pool. That was the shortest swim workout I've ever had.

Please tell me I'll be ok and that the chlorine killed his bacteria so I don't catch it. I'm saying something to him next time I see him. YUCK!!


Blogger Bill Graber said...


3:46 PM  
Blogger 6ftnperfect said...


3:39 PM  
Blogger twin said...

fyi..it is possible to taste sweat in the water. not the most pleasant thing....but yeah....that's what the chlorine is for. I'd have left him a couple of floaters (snot bombs) to swim though...

4:59 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Ugh. This is exactly what's keeping me from going to public pools. Just thinking about what people DO in there! Seriously, would you just openly fart in a car in a casual carpool? I'd hope not! But for some reason it's ok to sweat and piss in a pool while the rest of us swim around and try not to touch the part of the water they touched and/or contaminated. There's a Reason they want you to shower off before you enter. Grrr. How frustrating.

(I wonder what the sea life would think if we threw this guy in the ocean)

10:08 PM  

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