Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tigerbalm.. GRRRRR!!!

Haven't been able to post as much as I'd want to because of the new digs and our home computer decided to quit on us... she's in the repair shop.

3/24- I did the Str@wberry Fields tri. Really fun race. My goal for this race was to pass people in all three sports and to do better with the run... The swim was out to 1st maker, turn parallel to the beach to 2nd marker and then turn to shore (imagine a square). Holy shit that was a tough swim. It was only 200m, which means 5 min in the pool, but the waves were breaking almost the whole way to the 1st marker. And damn the current!!! I think it added an extra 150m (scientifically calculated ;)...) out of the water at 11min.. and WTF!! we had to run from the beach to the bike transition... running on sand and up and over sand dunes, really sucks ass... Take off the wetsuit and throw on the bike gear... Things to note: there were some people doing the swim without wetsuits!!! Water temp was 57.. or 59... brrrrrr

The bike was uneventful.. really flat and fast.. except for the quick hill near the end.. I think I averaged 18mph.. one mile faster than my training average... Things to note: there were two guys dressed up as Mari0 and Luig! racing on beach cruisers. Their bikes had the aero bars and wheel covers. They made me laugh.. when i passed them.. then they pissed me off when they passed me. They only have one gear!!! I also got to see some hotties!! HEEEEYYYYY!!! 38 min

Ditched the bike at the transition and put on the run shoes... I was so shaky, I couldn't tie my shoes very quickly.. I should have put those Y@nkz I bought a few months ago.. Hit the run feeling pretty good.. then everyone from the later waves started to pass me!!! DAMMIT!! I hate that! The knee pain from the marathon came up again a few minutes into the run but I ignored it as much as I could.. I picked it up the last quarter mile or so and finished out of breath and ready to make Beancountingsurfer angels on the grass. I didn't and walked around, hit the food, grabbed my gear and headed hope with a big smile on my face. Good times. Notes for the run: damn there are a lot of hot chickies that do tris... I think I need to join a club.

A few days later, I looked up my results and finished in 1hr and 25 min.. and I averaged a 9min/mile pace. Great! I was doing 9.5min/mile in training... I want to be able to do 8min/mile by the end of the season.. We'll see... last year this time, I was doing 10:15.

I did what I set out to do.. I passed people in all 3 sports.. not many, but I passed some. I took off the following week because of the knee pain.. dammit!! I hate sitting around!

Fast forward to my day off on Friday... oh, not a vacation, but a university holiday.. saweet!!! Having breakfast with my grandpa, cleaned the house and took my cousins to see Bl@des of Gl0ry.. pretty funny movie.. I also got a call late that night about the Quiks!lver warehouse sale... so I head to my friends place and crashed.. We got up at 4am and headed to HB... Why in the world did I think that the sale would start at 8? I checked the paper with prices and sale details.. MAN!! the sale doesn't start until 9:30!! We didn't get in until 10:45 but we were able to leave the line and come back... thank you stamp lady!! Was it worth it? Nah, not really.. the sun really worked me and the clothing wasn't that great... spent $50 and picked up a $10 backpack... my friend picked up at set up irons (qu!ksilver owens Clevel@nd G0lf) for $100 and our buddy that works for them said last year they were $1000.. if only surfboards were priced like that!!! Visited my homie that's in the hospital then got home and rested. I met up with my best bud after her sister's wedding shower.. we planned to go out, but ended up eating filipino food (fried empanadas rule!) and i went home after that and crashed.. till the next morning... a lot of sun and little sleep can really wear you down...

Sunday, I hit up C0untyline with the Rusty.. the water had some bite to it and the wind was on it.. not to much to write about... I caught a handful of waves and blew 3-4 set waves.. dang it!!! Funny thing to mention.. there were 2 guys suiting up at the same time I was.. one of them a was a newbie.. how'd I know? Because he put his springsuit on backwards! HAHHAHAHAAH!! Oh man! What a great pic for the daily ass.. I didn't have my camera and told him that he put it on backwards.. he was a trooper.. probably was out there for an hour...

Oh yeah!! forgot to mention that super rad chick was busy for the game.. kind of bittersweet, as my friend put it.. I was bummed she couldn't go but the game sucked (they won by 25 or something) so I don't think it would have been that fun... dang her line of work!!!

Damn my new coworkers talk on the phone a lot... not even work.. personal stuff..
Damn the knee pain!! I think I'll see a doctor if one more week of no running.. HELLOOO POOL!!
Warehouse sales are only worth going to if you know someone that can get you in without standing in line
My aunt is pregnant with her 3rd baby.. her out of womb kids are 12 and 8.. whoa! can you say oops!
New bike saddle (seat) is way better than the old one
I learned to play the first few notes on the guitar
Work is taking away from my FREE TIME!! can't update the blog.. need to get computer fixed
Training on the bike in the big ring only rocks.. and hurts
I got smoked in the pool by an older lady... damn the her years of swimming.. she was going faster than my freestyle when she was just kicking on the kickboard
Tigerbalm is the shit! Knee problem is getting better
Smaller portions and not eating after 7:30pm (well I eat if I train) has helped me lose 3lbs in the past 2 weeks
Everytime I give up on the super rad chick, she comes back.. saweet
Need to contact Reverb about a board

Sunse+ Friday afternoon!! Woo hoo!! Enjoy the SW!!!



Blogger SlowPolk said...

nice post, I use to love tris

7:58 PM  
Blogger Bill Graber said...

:) Any good waves that way?

1:35 PM  

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