Friday, July 24, 2009

For all you Doo Dah Surfers


Sunset Beach — On July 23, 2009 Scott at received the following report from Raun; “There was a shark sighting today at Sunset Beach around 7:15 AM. I was looking out for incoming waves and saw the creature jump out of the water as if it was going after prey. I don't think I was the only one to see it as some of us paddled in a little closer to shore, but still surfed afterwards.” Please report any shark sighting, encounter, or attack to the Shark Research Committee.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

KNOCK KNOCK! Who's there? SWELL!

Well, that's what all the reports say. Sweet!! I get to surf the wedding board again! FYI.. wedding board is a 5'10 SurfRX New Toy.. Then again, I've only caught 1 wave with that thing in a handful of sessions. The fish might be the call. And, good thing we have a dr. appt. on Monday.. dare I say? Three days of surf? Probably won't do the costume thing.

Surf this past weekend was ehh.. they had a contest at my favorite spot. The first wave I caught was a left that I took over into the contest area... I hate contests... especially when they post up where all the waves are. Anyway, I took the wave left and one of the groms in the contest tried to drop in on me. I just stayed on the wave. All he did was yell, "Fuck fuck fuck." Dude get a grip.. There are other waves. That's where it all went downhill. I tried to paddle back out but another contestant caught a wave. It was a right. I thought, "Hmmm, if he keeps going right, he'll hit me. Nah, he'll cut back, spray me and then finish the wave off." Uhh not so much. Little fucker just kept going and ran over the top of my board. The tanker now has a ding on the side of the nose. Small enough for me to repair but damn. The kid just said sorry and too off paddling like I was gonna beat his ass. ARGH!

Finished off the set trying to catch small waves. I could tell I was tired but not like last week. I think I'm getting used to the whole program. I'm going to try switch my Friday workout with my Wednesday workout. Friday is back and legs. I think all the pullups make me tired for Saturday sessions. I didn't lose any weight this week. My diet really sucked but I do feel a lot stronger. I amazed at how much more I can do.

So, the higher ups have decided and furloughs are going to start for us. I feel pretty lucky that it's taken this long for furloughs to start. For my salary range, I get 16 days. A lot of it will be used for dr. appts. The others, for surf days. Woo hoo!! Or, maybe I'll try to find another job. It's hard to say because my car is paid off in August. My car payment and loss in pay pretty much cancel out. Actually, I'd get an extra $100. No problem for me.. I hope.

This reminds me.. I need to email a certain someone!

Be safe in the water!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Click me!

Madsen Cycles Cargo Bikes

Week 1

I started the weightloss fight (again) last week and here are my results and observations. I've lost 3lbs since my first weigh in. I weight myself everyday and my highest weight loss was 6lbs. On those days, I at sensible... a lot of protein with veggies and fruit. The weekend was a different story. I didn't try to stuff everything in my mouth, like I normally do but I did eat until I felt I was full. On a scale of 1-10 for eating speed, I used to go at a pace of 8.5. Over the weekend it was about a 6.7.. I also stopped the HIIT because I took the day off on Wednesday (OB appt) and surfed in the afternoon. Early morning workouts take a lot out of me.

I realize I'm missing some stuff.. leave a message and I'll clear it up.

I haven't done HIIT since last Wednesday but plan to start again tomorrow... we went to a concert last night so I'm a little tired.. and there's a mountain of clothes to fold.

When I first started the program, I tried out the pull up bar that attaches to the door frame. I didn't use it because the screws left marks on the walls and the support thingies made indents. See here for fix and what the hell I'm talking about: I started out using bands but after I found the fix, I used the pullup bar and really felt the pain and soreness.

And, this is probably the reason why I sucked it up during my Saturday sesh. I swear I couldn't catch a wave. The shape and power wasn't there but I should have caught more than I did. I stayed out for a little more than 2 hours to fill my "3 waves makes a sesh" quota. I was on my tanker, too!! And, just to make things worse, one of the older guys there (who was humping his board to catch waves) kept telling me how to surf as if I was a beginner. Argh! I hate it when people tell me that. Hopefully, my paddling strength will come back this weekend so I can redeem myself.

One good thing out of the sesh was meeting Patch. Man that guy can surf!

One of my friends, FKA Scarecrow, really wants to do the Doo Dah thing. I'm over it. Too many people and a good chance of dinging my board. She's trying to convince me so I might do it. I have a few coworkers too so her costume idea would be sweet if we all did it. Side note, I support charities so don't give me a hard time for not doing it.

I also recently purchased a buckwheat hull pillow. That thing is the shit! I swear I wake up like I've had a great nights sleep. We also have a foam bed so this pillow makes it even better.

And, I think I found my next board. I've been doing some research on Hull boards and think this would work for my ability. Really interesting board. I really need to get rid of the CIS board. Hit me up if you're interested. It's a Flyer F, I think. I'll have to look up the dims.
