Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The chick that cuts my hair is leaving.. NOO!! Now who the hell am I going to trust with cutting my hair and still not pay more than a fingernail? Oh, she's staying in town? SAWEET!
Chick: "Yeah, I'll still be in the city, but at a different spot. Just leave me your number and I'll call you when I'm all setup."
End haircut, pay, ask for ones for tip and a piece of paper for my phone number.
Walk up to her and give her my tip and number.
Me: "Oh yeah, here's my number for future purposes..." *red face*
Ah well.

Rain! Rain! Go away! I need to run tonite and don't want to surf in poo on Saturday.

Monday, January 29, 2007

2 for 1 Monday's

Dear Jogger,

I noticed that you were kind of running funny. I'm no pro when it comes to form but holding onto the bottom of your shirt while you run? Probably not the most efficient. You might want to let go and swing your arms back and forth (in a straight line). But seriously, dude, I think it's time to get a bigger shirt. It's ok, we all go through it.

The Beancountingsurfer

This was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY funnier when I was thinking of it on the way back from lunch.


So after work on Friday, I made it to Sunse+ and was in the water by 4:30pm. Place wasn't firing but it was good enough for me. DAMN the Wooly Mammoth trip!!! My left arm is still jacked which made paddling hurt. The waves were big enough for me not to paddle hard so the shoulder only became a problem when paddling back out after a ride. I managed to catch a handful. I did manage to make a friend (numero dos for 2007). We shall call him "Morris." Saw him first while paddling back out and noticed that his leash was attached to his ass. WTF! Pulled up next to him and thought he was just dangling his legs in the water. A couple of waves later, he mentions that sometimes he feels like Captain Dan out in heavier surf. Then it hit me! He doesn't have any legs! Man what an inspiration! He mad me want to stay out longer, which I did. I eventually asked him how he got out. He said he usually asks someone to take his board up for him but if he's on his own, he usually shuffles up with his board. And damn, he can surf too. Hope to surf with him sometime again.

Saturday, I was supposed to run but how am I supposed to do that when Mom hooked it up with fresh crab and shrimps. My favorite!! I can eat of lot of it, but when I finally got fully, it didn't look like my brother and I made a dent! And, yes, I still live at home, but for certain reasons. If you like shrimp, try cooking them in seven-up. They turn out to be sweeter. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Sunday, I managed to get out the door and do my run. Only did 16 miles of the 18 scheduled; ran out of water and money (that's what I tell myself). It was pretty cool being told, "Hey, you were at the other end of the city huh?" Why yes, I was! While on the run, I came to one conclusion about myself.. I AM MOTHERF-ING SLOW! Ahh well.

Surf Friday after work again and half marathon for breakfast before the Superb0wl.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Afternoon sesh

Sunse+ after work, anyone? Woo hoo!!! SURF!! SURF!! SURF!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Woo Hoo!!

One-Time Tax Refund Available to Long-Distance Telephone Customers

FS-2007-1, January 2007

This year, telephone customers can request a one-time refund of taxes they paid on long-distance and bundled telephone service. Individuals, businesses and tax-exempt organizations can request this refund as a credit on their 2006 federal income tax returns.

Over 146 million individuals and more than 14 million businesses and tax-exempt organizations are expected to request the refund. This includes millions of people and organizations who don’t normally file returns, for example, low-income individuals (many of them senior citizens), churches and small charities. The government estimates that telephone excise tax refunds totaling $10 billion will be paid to individuals and another $5 billion to businesses and tax-exempt organizations.

The refund covers the three-percent tax paid on long-distance and bundled service billed after Feb. 28, 2003 and before Aug. 1, 2006. Several recent federal court decisions held that the tax does not apply to long-distance service as it is billed today. For that reason, the government stopped collecting the tax on service billed after July 2006 and authorized refunds of the taxes billed during the previous 41 months.

The federal excise tax continues to apply to local-only telephone service. Likewise, various state and local taxes and fees paid by telephone customers are unaffected and thus, not eligible for the refund.

Federal long-distance excise taxes paid on land line, cell phone, fax and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service qualify for the refund. This includes bundled service — local and long-distance service provided under a plan that does not separately list the charge for local service. Bundled service includes, for example, phone plans that provide both local and long-distance service for either a flat monthly fee or a charge that varies with the time for which the service is used.

Taxpayers can base their refund requests on the actual amount of tax paid. To do this, they must fill out Form 8913, Credit for Federal Telephone Excise Tax Paid. Individuals and businesses should attach it to their regular 2006 income-tax returns. Tax-exempt organizations should attach it to Form 990-T.

But many people don’t want to dig through 41 months of old phone bills or lack the records they need to figure the actual amount of tax paid. For that reason, the government created a standard amount that individuals can use to request the telephone excise tax refund. The amount is based on the number of personal and dependency exemptions an individual is eligible to claim on their tax returns. The standard amounts are:

1 exemption — $30;
2 exemptions — $40;
3 exemptions — $50; or
4 exemptions — $60.

The standard amount is optional. To choose it, taxpayers fill in one line on their federal income tax returns. The line, labeled “Credit for federal telephone excise tax paid,” is:

Form 1040, Line 71;
Form 1040A, Line 42; or
Form 1040EZ, Line 9.

There is no standard amount for businesses and tax-exempt organizations, because they typically have more varied phone usage patterns than individuals. Instead, they can choose to use a special formula (also called the estimation method) to estimate the actual amount of tax on long-distance and bundled service they paid.

The formula is optional. It makes it easier by basing the estimate on just two monthly phone bills (April 2006 and September 2006). Individuals reporting more than $25,000 of gross business, farm and rental income can choose the formula. It is also available to any partnership, corporation, estate, trust or tax-exempt organization.

For millions of people not required to file a regular income-tax return, the IRS has created a special short form for requesting the telephone excise tax refund. It is Form 1040EZ-T and is used exclusively for this purpose. Form 1040EZ-T can also be filed electronically for free via the Free File link on IRS.gov beginning in mid-January.

Form 1040EZ-T can be used to request a refund with either the actual amount of tax paid or the standard amount. Those choosing actual amounts must attach Form 8913.

The IRS wants to make it as easy as possible for taxpayers to get the refund they deserve. Accordingly, the agency has created a page on this Web site devoted entirely to the refund. To get answers to frequently-asked questions, download forms and get other helpful tips, visit the federal excise tax refund link.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Damn the Peer Pressure!!

This past weekend I was in Mammoth and thought I was going to run but after some gratuitous peer pressure, I bought my friends board and hit the slopes. Car ride to and fro was good times, even though I had a size medium seat for a size large guy (ok, not that funny). Sang or slept the entire way there. Next road trip, I need 80's music and slow jams.

I think I was doing pretty well during the first 3 runs and then I got too confident and ate it pretty bad. F-ed up my left arm and my confidence. The runs after that hurt and I sucked it up big time. Still super fun and I'd definitely do it again (if it fit into the race sched).

18 people in a place maxed out at 8 people
Fridge full of beer
Hottie cooks
Drunken games, (charades?) that I missed cause I hurt too much.. or was it that big bottle of Fat Tire?
I love Guinness!! And Fat Tire!
Cheesy eggs, spam and bacon at 1am when everyone was sleeping
One of the friend's friend getting cougared by some singer's sister
Classic lines: Wanna watch the undeleted scenes? I already mind read your mind. Wanna drink some drought (Guinness Draught)?
X-Mas GIFTS!!! Thanks best bud!!! Kinda weird but at the same time, I'm curious
$15 sled that we used right after we unpacked the car
On the second to last run, I turned and cussed so loud. Super steep and I tried to plow my way down. I ate it a few times and seriously slid for 50yrds.
Ex-gf from high school didn't annoy me!!! Woo hoo!!
More peer pressure for Ros@rito... in...tah...resting!!!

Great friends.. Gr.. motherf-ing..ate Times!!!

Surf this weekend hopefully... 18 miles... and the anteater lives in a super nice building... :)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Dream Race!!!

I found this race cruising one of the tr! forums.

Kr!spy Kreme Ch@llenge:

To Complete the Kr!spy Kreme Ch@llenge is to:

1) Run from the NC St@te Belltower to
the Kr!spy Kreme on Pe@ce Street.

2) Eat one dozen donuts.

3) Run back to the Belltower.

4) Do all this in under one hour.

People always ask if puking is allowed.
Don’t puke on purpose.
That’s not fair to the rest of us.

The Kr!spy Kreme Ch@llenge is not for the faint at heart.

Here are some facts about the Ch@llenge that every challenger needs to be aware of:

Doughnuts: 12 Original Gl@zed Kr!spy Kreme D0ughnuts

  • 2400 calories
  • 1200 fat calories
  • 144g of fat
  • 36g of saturated fat
  • 48g of trans fat
  • 60mg of Cholesterol
  • 1140mg of sodium
  • 120g of sugar
  • 24g of protein

And to the friend that said, "You mean hail?" when I told her it was snowing near the Cave... we were both half right... grouple (sp?)..

This weekend I'll be in.. fill in the blank: Woolly ______!!!! Decided not to try and run up there.. Just have to run tonite and tommorw to make up for it.

Stay warm!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Holy Ca Ca!!!

It snowed near the CAVE!!!!!

Ran tonight in 38 degree weather. Thank you Big Cinco for the $20 tights!

What does an @nteater live in?

And I have to admit @merican !dol is HI-F'ing-LARIOUS!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sun good, Wind bad

Note: The following is a bunch of crap you probably don't wanna read. Adventures in surfing is towards the bottom.

This weekend was a 3 day weekend for me. Woo Hoo!! I had a 16 mile run planned for Saturday, but only mananged to do 14.5 miles in 45 degree weather with some wind. I hate wind. My hands were frozen the first 30 minutes, then I realized that my jacket is long enough to pull over my hands so that helped a little. Around mile 12.5, I ran out of water and stopped at a gas station to buy some water. Can you believe a bottle of water is $1.25?!?!? For 16 oz!!!! WTF! And, I only had a dollar so I asked him if I could come back and pay him the $.25. But noooo!!! He said he would be off in 30 minutes. Damn, what has happened to society!?!?! I left pissed off and told him, "Go fuck yourself." A QUARTER!!!! I managed to find a drinking fountain 20 minutes later.

Run everyday in J@nuary challenge= 9/14

I was supposed to go out that night, but was too tired and just went to bed early.

Sunday, I woke up groggy and really sore. Walking to the bathroom hurt so I watched football the rest of the day. I did, however, purchase a portable dvd player via Be$tbuy online and wanted to pick it up at the local bricks and mortar. I arrive there, an hour and a half after I received the, "Your order is ready for pickup email." I waited 30 minutes because the damn dumb manager and her dumber peons couldn't find it in the store. When I first got there, the manager took the printout from me, went into the back to pick it up but it wasn't there. Then she disappeared into the sales floor to look for it. 10 minutes later, she comes back empty handed. She then hands off the printout to one of her peons and sends him to the warehouse. 1o more minutes of waiting and I finally get impatient and ask where the warehouse was. She replies, "It's in the back; not too far." I express that this shouldn't take this long and she replies in a raised voice, "I sent someone else to pick it up, but he was in the middle of wrapping a tv for a customer." WTF!! What is she stupid? Why didn't she just tell someone else to get it or get it her damn self! Then she asks one of the 2 people behind the counter (who have been standing there the whole time) to go find it. He comes back in 10 minutes with the player. At this point, I'm steaming and ask to return the item. Not once did the manager apologize for the inconvenience. I have banned my local Be$tbuy. Oh yeah, I'm calling in to make a complaint. Don't know if it'll help but at least I'll get to vent to someone.

That just ruined my night and I was supposed to go to some uber trendy club (some airport or something) but others flaked and it was me, the tv and the couch.

Monday, I checked the surf cams all morning. Nothing really goin on. Just a few sets (if you can call them that) every now and then. I decided to take a chance and go check myself because reports and cams lie!!! I'm really glad I did. Despite the frigid temps and howling offshore and sometimes sideshore winds, it was a fun sesh. There were only 3 of us out. I caught a handful of waves, mostly small ones. I did catch a set wave, belly button high, and got a good ride out of it. I need to stop trying to get covered in the shore break. Dumb.. just plain dumb. The rest of the day was spent in front of the tv. I think this is the most tv I've watched in a while.

Mammoth this weekend. Woo hoo!! 12 miles in elevation!!! Possibly snowboard Sunday, but I really don't want to get hurt. L@ Mar@thon is so close.

Surfsister beat me to my idea I've had for a while. So for those of you in the pack, post pics of your quiver! I'll put mine up this week sometime.

Side notes:
1. I managed to shock my nuts trying on a fleece jacket. NOT FUN!
2. I figured out how to avoid the stomach aches that force me to quit my runs early: Cl!f bars in small pieces!!
3. Anteater anyone??

Friday, January 12, 2007

So a Fat Lady Walked in Today...

I've been watching M@rried with Ch!ldren reruns way too much. Yesterday, to weird things happened.

1. I saw and older couple walking and talking and the husband had ear buds in his ear while he was talking.

2. Yesterday, my coworker asked if I was going take tomorrow (which is today) off. I asked her why she asked and she responded with: "Because you always take the day off before a long weekend." I let her down today. I'm at work. :(

Dude Wh!ff ate a squirrel. WTF!! SQUIRREL!!!

Cold.. nay, freezing weather predicted. 16 miles tomorrow and surf in freezer. MONDAY OFF!!!

And might as well:

Five Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I have one tattoo and two wide feet
2. I've never taken any drugs.. contact highs yes.
3. Sometimes, I don't understand the cool terms (surf, slang, triathlon etc)
4. I hate cats
5. I used to think alternative rock music and surfing was stupid. Damn was I wrong!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Just for kicks!

I am going to do the T0y0ta Red0nd0 Be@ch Tri@thlon.. on a beach cruiser!!!

Here is my inspiration:

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Unless you have supervision, click on the sucker!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Self Reminder

Of the Raddest Month.. ever. **edited**

-Charger Game- tailgating and LT breaking the TD record. We were supposed to get field level, but got the next level up almost near the railing. Good enough for me!
-Paul Frank warehouse sale-friend made a call and we didn't wait to get in and can't forget about the Christmas party with midgets, mini-snow hill, midgets, free booze, Wolfmother and a Motherf-ing CAMEL!
-RVC@- warehouse sale (didn't wait, again!), party with RVC@ crowd and super secret walk-through
-RVC@ Christmas party- lots of drinks, live performance, more shots, making out with chicks and not remembering, friend saying I sleep with a smile, told him to F off then he showed me evidence.. DAMN, guess it was a good, nay, GREAT night.
-Won an Ipod shuffle for my carpool story
-Got a super good raise. Almost twice of the said rate. Woo Hoo!!
-Lots of days off to do random stuff
-Finally back in the Christmas spirit and picked up a tree this year
-Won Disneyland Southern California Select annual passports from KR0Q while driving the tree to its new home. Sold them and got my heart rate monitor.
-Friend's bday bash- you can still have fun when you're a DD.
-Hooters, finally, with homey.
-Some surf- need to get back in the water again
-Ankle is feeling much better. Doesn't hurt to walk down stairs any more.
-Got new shoes that actaully work with my wide feet- Brooks Beast!
-Marathon training is hard to stick with. 10 miles with 6 miles being hill is a lot more fun than 13 flat miles
-Got on the bike for the first time in months
-A lot of time with best bud- super good times. lots of drinking, moving furniture, meeting her friends, painting her wall and just a lot of catching up. Made up for a lot of missed time, I'd say about 1.5 years in about one month.
-Xmas with the family- got a mini Coach wallet from youngest bro, hydration belt from middle bro(still in the mail by the way), oral-b triumph from my mom (if you don't have one, GET ONE! my teeth are so clean!), money from my dad and relatives, gps from uncle (which I want to return for a portable dvd player), gift cards, I won a blanket, movie tickets and $30 during bingo (actually, my whole family ran the table, we won 7 of 9 or 10 games)
-New Year's Eve with best bud and her friends at gr!dl0ck. Started off drinking at a friend's house. The DD's had energy drinks so that made me feel better, so did the alcohol. Then we drove 1.4 hours to pick up some chick and I lost my buzz, but it was worth it. I flirted with her, well in my eyes; I'm such a chicken, all night. My group decided to stay towards the back when the K!llers came on. I was with them for the countdown but decided to F-them and push forward. I got pretty damn close, about 10-12 people in front of me. Along the way, I sang along with random people, involuntarily felt up random people, took a few shots from random people (not one of my best decisions, but I'm still alive), got a contact high, danced the night away. Carmen Electra was supposed to host but we didn't see her. Damn her! After that, we hit Mel's diner, where I convinced 1.4 hour away chick to have some of my french toast. She had the "Damn I want some of that!" look in her eyes but denied my invitation to have some. She ate half of my plate when I offered it again. I got game, right? HAHAHAHA! I'm weak. Got to friend's place at 5:45am and decided that the sun would be up soon so I drove home to grab my board and surf. Cams showed lots of wind at the spot so I went to sleep, on and off for the whole day until finally getting up at 6pm. Probably should have called the 1.4 hour chick instead of texting her. Oh well.
-Almost reached my goal for the Slowtwitch December Camp. If only I trained on New Year's Eve. Ahh well, I needed all the rest.
-I think that's all? I'll edit if I remember more.
**The last time I surfed, there was a log, yes a log in the line up (first in the bay then near the point, where I was). Actually, more like a 5ft hunk of telephone pole. I thought of hopping on it and trying to catch a wave but I didn't want splinters in my ass. Two guys, different waves, almost hit the damn thing! CRAZY
**Even crazier!!! I saw a guy trunking it!!

New Years Resolutions:
1. Meet new people
2. Don't procrastinate
And just for kicks- get into base jumping.

Last year's Resolutions:
Be open... (insert words here) I was open to a lot of things, so check!
Be patient Kinda. Workwise check! Half a check for the rest.
Be humble 3/4 check!

FYI, the Running in Mud registration is open. Sign up, you'll have a blast.

15 miles this weekend and hopefully surf... and not drown.

Time to get serious!! It's race season!!!

See you in the water!!! I'm planning of setting up a surf day for the online pack. Probably somewhere in SoCal. Let me know if you're interested!