Friday, May 26, 2006

Afternoon Sesh

Sunday, I passed out... while PEEING!!! And now, I look back and think it was funny because I just woke up and washed my hands like it never even happend. Then I asked myself, why the hell does my head hurt? Then I remembered a loud crash and realized I hit my head on the toilet... Good thing I didn't land in the water.. EWWWW!!! Anyways, saw the Doc, no not Jeff, had an EKG done and everything checked out fine. I guess you can say I'm a chubby guy with great blood circulation. Still have to wait for my blood work results, but I feel fine. The nurse that took my blood said I bleed well. Um, thanks? You poke people with needles well? I posted mentioned this on a triathlon forum and got this:

This is probably Micturation Syncope, a vasovagal reaction = a simple faint. It can also occur with pain, abdominal distention, fear, etc. It's not related to blood flow back into the bladder but rather stimulation of the vagus nerve with resultant slowing of the heartrate, drop in blood pressure and faint.

It's been 6 days since I've worked out. I hate sitting around. Warcraft anyone?

So I get to leave work early today to see Doc. They had an appointment available for 10, but who wants to come to work in the afternoon? After that, I hope to score some waves.. Wind, wind go away.. come on everyone.. all together now!!!

Have a great weekend everyone! 94 miles tomorrow!!! And if anyone is interested:

edit*** Question? Would you really order $50 of Headhunter sunblock to get free shipping? Kind of a dumb promotion when the bottles are $11 each? Oh well... something to think about Headhunter guys...

Monday, May 15, 2006

5.5 hours!

That's how long it took to ride 82 miles Sunday. Woo Hoo!! Maybe I'll ride PCH this weekend. Don't worry, my brothers and I took my mom out last weekend because one of them couldn't make it yesterday.

Hope the surf was good for you. Saturday looked like no bueno from the cams so I decided to catch up with my friend sleep.

And if you're into supplements, try FRS. They have a free sample promo, $6 for shipping only, going on. I swear this stuff works. I'll refund your money, less shipping, if you don't like it.

GF comes back tonite! Ahh yeah!!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Get your boards out!!!


Sorry for the annoying sound.. it goes away.. eventually

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Force

So I paddled out this past weekend after a couple of weeks of being land locked and had a great time in crappy waves. Morning started off looking for another spot to surf, but ended up at my favorite spot, County Line. Waves were stomach high at best and "set waves" were few and far between. Anyway, the wave I want to talk is pretty cool. I paddled for this nipple higher and took off a little late. When I stood up, I instantly set my rail and tried to go down the face but was hit in the face by the lip. Instantly bummed but then the fish started taking over. I kept going up and down the wave hitting the lip (no spray :( ). Did this about 2.5 times and the wave ended. Ahh that was nice.

Forecast looks great for the weekend. Have fun!!! Still looking for another spot.

On a side note, did 45 miles this weekend. Woo hoo!!! Planning on doing 55 or 60 Sunday.