Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Digs

But only for the job... man I miss having my own office. This happened by default because the person I was supposed to share it with moved to another dept. I had the office to myself for almost 6 months. This meant loud music, sleeping (only during lunch cause the door had a window, with shades), cruising the internet how ever long I wanted too and keeping the temperature as cold as I wanted.

Now, I'm in a cubicle, with only 2 motherf-ing walls!! I sit outside my boss's office. The grass has been worked on the past two days so I've been sneezing a lot and I had to do a financial report without any access to resources. At least my new office has A/C. The building I'm in is old and all rooms don't have A/C.

Last weekend's surf with the fish was pretty fun. I only caught a few waves cause of the tide and being picky on closeouts. My last wave turned out to be pretty good.. but only for a while. The wave jacked up from the back wash and I 2 stroked it and popped up. Made a really good bottom turn and head toward the lip. Did one pump and got dropped in on. Ahh well, it all happened so fast but I felt like I was in control and ready to murd-duh-lize the wave. I brought the Rusty, but thought it would be difficult to get into waves. I left it in the surf truck. I probably could have caught some but I was pressed for time.

After that was my 8yr old cousin's bday party and St. Patty's day with some friend's and some chick they were trying to hook me up with. I tried to talk to her, but she was drunk and eventually puked a few times.. WHAT YOUR FEET!! HAHAHAH!! It was like a firehose of vomit!

Sunday I slept all day and saw 300 with the family (bros and mom. Great movie and the first time we've gone out together and it wasn't for food.

This weekend, I'm going to try and register late for the St@wberry Fields Tri. Ocean swim!! Man that's gonna suck. There's also supposed to be some fog and onshore flow. GREAT!! SUCKIER!!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

New board!

I wonder how much this shaper charges for a board in my size?

Rad Action Sports Videos

I'm GIDDY!!!!

I thought I blew it with Super Rad Chick (we were supposed to surf Sunday) but she stopped by and we talked for a few minutes. AHH YEAH!!!
I got a call from KR0Q and was told I won a prize
My bro called me and said he had some Cl!pper tickets for me. "Hey Super Rad Chick, wanna go?" I still haven't asked her cause I suck with chicks.
Funny how things work. I applied for 2 positions, one in my dept and the other was through recruitment. I really wanted the one in my dept but chose the other because my dept couldn't make up their minds. After talking to my current supervisor about the duties, I think I made the right choice. My dept is a humongous bang for their buck...
SWELL!!!! Hopefully it lasts till Friday.
Saturday is Guinness time!!!


Monday, March 12, 2007

Damn tourists!!!

This weekend ended up being great!!! I was kind of bummed to see the flatness on the Sunse+ cam so I just went home and ran. This was the first time running, actually more like jogging, that I've done since the marathon. My knee has been hurting all week but it didn't hurt during the run. I threw on a few S@lonpas patches on it just in case it hurt then next morning.. damn I hate taking those things off!

Saturday morning, I surfed my favorite spot with the fish. I thought catching a wave right when I got into the line up was a good sign but I was wrong. I did notice a difference in my paddling. I felt like I was being shot out of a canon when I paddled for a wave and it completely threw off my popup. After an hour or so of sitting and sucking trying to catch set waves, I paddled to the inside and caught a few thigh highers. Then it hit me.. I was paddling like I was on my Rusty. I made the adjustment to my paddling and was able to 3 or 4 stroke it onto the wave. AHH YEAH!!! Too bad I was too tired to keep going. Once I got back, I had lunch with my god-daughter and her family... man kids are funny!!! We spent 2 hours at the restaurant.. 2 hours!!! DANG!! I was ready to go home and take a nap!! I was able to take a 30 min nap and picked up my cousins to see My Chemic@l Rom@nce at the F0rum. I decided not to park in the parking lot and found some street parking.. had to walk a few minutes but it was worth it. Getting in and out of the lot was a nightmare! These guys rocked it. I'm really not a fan, but I had a great time. The only bad thing was: 1) Almost got kicked out for using my camera that I snuck in. 2) My soon to be 8yr old cousin kept on asking how many more minutes, after the first half (they changed). It was really cool to see her rocking out the whole first time.. She was pumping her fist, jumping and singing. 3) Is it weird that people take their young kids to concerts? I'm not talking about 3 or 4 yr olds.. I'm talking can't walk or talk young. Crazy!

Sunday I woke up later than I wanted and took my Performance longboard to my favorite spot again. I stayed out for 3 hours.. for some reason, I wasn't getting tired no matter how much I was paddling.. caught so many waves and I didn't just cruise on them, I worked them, did some cheater 5's, tried some floaters and pissed off a lot of shortboarders. I think was the best day of surfing I've had in a while. Not really consistent but the lack of a crowd made up for that. I would say the set waves I caught were around shoulder high. I need to work on not "sinking" the back part of the board so much. I sank it so deep that my board would just stop. I probably didn't explain that right. I was so stoked that I was making sections and making the guys on the inside pull off. I'm not really good at speeding up to get around the white water. And damn I think some kelp collecting boat dump a jungle load of it near the point. I kept having to untangle myself and missed a few waves cause it was slowing me down.

And fuck the tourist that blocked me in (I parked on the dirt lot)!!! I know Neptune's Net is super good, but seriously, do you have to park your car so others can't get out? Dumb shit!! I asked a few people around if it was their car.. their replies, "Nope.. damn tourists.. set the alarm off." I tried a few tugs on the door handles, smacking the doors and rocking the back bumper, I wasn't able to set it off. Right when I got the bright idea of jumping on the hood, the butthole (I'm bringing that word back!) comes running and asks if I've been waiting long. "One more minute and I would have been on your hood homie." He gave me the "Oh shit" face. Jackass.

4/11 for the Run 31 days in March challege; 21 runs gets me silver!!!
You can't claim double overhead when you first claim it was overhead.. dumbass
Seriously (same guy above), do you have the right to laugh at me for falling on a wave when you're doin the power squat the whole ride on the longboard? Come on now.
Park on the street near the F0rum, St@ples center and W!ltern. Walk 5 minutes to save $20 and traffic!
Cold drinks on a hot day rule!
S@lonpas patches are good and bad at the same time.
Saw a guy wearing a "Recovering Slut" tshirt. HEE HEE!!!
I can play the first few notes of Smoke on the W@ater!!
Need to remember to adjust my paddling according to my board.
Need to work on going backside. Do you keep your front leg straight or bent?

Hopefully some more fun waves this weekend!! Time to hit the road again (run and bike)!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

First and Last

Damn the heat!!! Damn the rookie mistakes!!! Damn the marathon!! I think this will be my first and last I'll ever do. I started out too damn fast and suffered the rest of the way. First off, if you're gonna plan a race, make sure there are enough porto-potties for everyone!!! I waited an hour to pee. I did get some comedy out of it thought. An old lady, whom I assumed didn't speak English or was pretending like she didn't, tried to cut in front of the line and pissed off a few people. She stood there like they weren't there complaining. Then someone explained to her, in Spanish, to get in line and she had no reason to cut, she wasn't racing. The other comedy bit was when I was 2nd to go, some guy busted out of the potty, grabbed a shirt on the fence and took care of business. Well, that's what he probably did.

At the starting line, some dude got up on the bus stop shelter and started talking. I only heard him because he had two people holding speakers up. He mentioned he was a firefighter and started talking about how people died doing the marathon. Oh, cool! An announcement about not pushing it and stopping when you can't go on. NOPE!! He started to go on about how we need to all repent.. Blah Blah Blah.. I shouted, "Shut up!" a couple of times.. Then the pack started to move and me and 20,000+ friends started our journey. My plan was 11:30min/mile pace for first 10, 11:15 10-18, 11 the last 8.
First 10 miles were cool.. I was doing the first 3 miles at 11:30.. uphill!!! Should have backed off then.. then the next 6 or so downhill, I was hitting 10:30.. Then I looked at my heart rate.. 180!!! Oh man.. so I started to back it down and took a few walk breaks and hit 13 miles at about 2hr 45min (winners finished by now).. Cool time.. then I started running again, heart rate was still at 180... Dammit!! Slowed down.. then I did the run 5 min/walk 1 min deal. At mile 18, I cramped real bad, was forced to walk, with major pain... Ended up walking the rest of the way. I almost quit near St@ples center. My friend lives 2 blocks from it and I thought about heading over, but I finished the race with a horrible time (for me) of 6hr 30min. I got really down on myself for not finishing near my goal, but everyone is cheering me up and I feel better.

Other things I saw:
People handing out beers and bloody mary's!!! Wish I found them at mile 20, not 7.
2 guys doing the race on crutches
Barefoot runners
Super old, hunched over dude that I passed early then he passed me
A bunch of kids beating me to the finish line
Camelbaks.. DAMMIT!! I own one!! Why didn't I use it?
Mexican hot dogs after the race.. mmmm... smelled good but I didn't think I could keep them down

I'm really debating on getting revenge next year, but we'll see. The marathon isn't as much fun triathlon. I definitely do more half marathons but now the focus is on tri's and the half ironman near the end of the year... Only 13 miles of running for that.

Swell's a comin on Friday and I'll probably hit Sunse+. Saturday, I'm supposed to surf with one of my friend's from college, but we'll see how that goes. Hopefully, I still have the paddle strength to surf 3 days in a row.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Already spent

See you later 2006 refund!

I have to agree with Surfsister's recent post on her blog. DAMN YOU ALL FOR GETTING NEW BOARDS!!! In the past, I've been able to suppress my need for getting a new board by searching the web for deals on boards and suggesting them to my friends. Now that I'm no longer extending any more surf invitations to my friends, I've been looking for boards for me; when you're done with work and sit at a computer for hours, researching surfboards passes time really well.
Recently, my good buddy, from the OC (I've mentioned him before), mentioned he was ordering a Bruce !rons model from JS. I ordered a 6'2.. or was that a 6'4? I don't want him to take advantage of the hookup so if it doesn't work, then no sweat.. I think I've found my next board.. the C0le Firefly.

The firefly is the culmination of many years of experimentation. The Firefly accelerates quickly, is snappy off the top. The Four Fin design is loose, yet maximizes drive and holding power. When on rail, both fins are facing the same direction, minimizing drag and eliminating the anchor effect of a third fin. Stretch your imagination. Think for yourself. Fly one today. $585.. +$35 for rail channels

I've also thought about other boards, but this is on the top of the list (see below):
Campbell Bonzer-too expensive!!!
Quad Fish-have to blame the guy I bought my Fish from
Egg-read about this on someone's blog
Another Doc board-from gracfullee's blog.. Doc shaped my first custom board.
Blog boards-Shapers: Reverb, Clayfin and Alan-M

This reminds me that I need to post my quiver... Finally got a new camera, so hopefully post it soon. I lag.

And wtf!! Who turned off the heater?!?!? I hate running on the dreadmill at the gym. 1. It's boring. 2. The past 3 days, I've run next to females. One conversation was with some teenagers arguing cause the other didn't return her text message.. SERIOUSLY?!?!!? Last night, two ladies talking about tv shows and celebrities and their lives.. 3. People smell..

Another WTF!!! The motherf-ing Red H0t Chil! Peppers have their own boardshorts... they're taking over the world!! DAMN THEM!!! First I had to make my ears deaf to them.. now I've got to blind myself.. grrrrr... say it with me.. no more RHCP!!!

Sunday is the marathon... sorry about the traffic.. Wish me luck!!!